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211_工作區域 1

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Taichung’s Local Tax Bureau: Application for land value tax reduction or exemption can be made for reserved lands for public facilities

Local Tax Bureau
(Taichung News) Miss Xu called to inquire about a piece of land she recently inherited, which is designated for public facilities in accordance with the Urban Planning Laws. There is a building on the land used as a residence, but it may be demolished due to expropriation. She wants to know if she can apply for an exemption from land value tax.The Local Tax Bureau of the Taichung City Government noted that for land reserved for public facilities that has not yet been expropriated or purchased, t...

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Other links

  • Gender Equality Committee of the Executive Yuan
  • Visualizing Health of Taichung Citizens
  • National Central Library
  • New Immirgrants in Taiwan
  • The official website of the Republic of China
  • Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China