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Keep Your Tax Receipts for Five Years at Least

Local Tax Bureau of Taichung City Government said that taxpayers often call to complain they have already paid the tax, why would they still receive another tax bill again? What shall they do as their tax receipts have been discarded or unsaved?

Local Tax Bureau explained that according to Article 23 of the Tax Collection Act, the period for collection of a specific tax shall be five (5) years commencing from the date following the expiration date of the period for payment of said tax. Therefore, a taxpayer must keep any tax receipt for at least five years, so that he/she can present it as evidence in case Local Tax Bureau re-issues the same tax bill. If one fails to keep the tax payment receipt, he/she needs to get a payment proof from the bank to which one has already paid the tax. Otherwise, he/she shall still pay the tax within the time limits tin the tax statement.

Local Tax Bureau reminds taxpayers to keep the tax receipts properly. Never throw them away so as to protect their own interests. If you have any question about the overdue tax, please call the Local Tax Bureau at 0800-086969 (toll-free) or22585000 ext. 1 for the call center.
  • Data update: 2018-11-19
  • Publish Date: 2013-07-10
  • Source: Local Tax Bureau
  • Hit Count: 470