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Local Tax Bureau invites you to Wenxin Gallery Amusement World

Starting fromApril1, the Local Tax Bureau ofTaichung City Government holds at its Wenxin Gallery the Amusement World event, whose total prize money amounts to NT$45,000. You are welcome to take part in this art feast held at the Wenxin Gallery onthe 7th floor of Local Tax Bureau Building.

Local Tax Bureau said that starting from April 1, you can come over to the Wenxin Gallery to get a visit card, enjoy the exhibition there, and thenstampon the visit card an art appreciation chop of the month. When youcollect five art appreciation chops from different months and put the visit card in to the raffle box before November 30, you are qualified to participate in the lucky draw. Local Tax Bureau will draw from the eligible visit cards the winners, including an NT$2,000 gift voucher for each of the five Classical Award winners, an NT$1,000 gift voucher for each of the 15 Realism Award winners, and an NT$500 gift voucher for each of the 20 Impression Award winners.

Moreover, there is another raffle event.From May 1toJuly 31, if you visit the Facebook page of Local Tax Bureau, leave a message on the event page of "Wenxin Gallery Amusement World” and then upload a photo of exhibition held at the Wenxin Gallery, you are qualified to participate in the lottery. The Local Tax Bureau will draw the prize winners from the participating fans, including an NT$1000 gift voucher for each of the 5Art Award winners and an NT$500 gift voucher for each of the 10 Abstract Award winners.
  • Data update: 2018-11-19
  • Publish Date: 2013-04-02
  • Source: Local Tax Bureau
  • Hit Count: 371